#247 L-Week 22(4) アンジェリーナジョリー・スピーチ


アンジェリーナジョリーが2013年に、ジーンハーショルト賞を取った時のものです。受賞をかみしめながらゆっくり話しをしているので、#243 ~ #245の内容を一気に流します。是非、①音理解、②意味理解に頑張って見て下さい。

また、今回は for books / four books の 聞分け quiz が有ります。もしアナタが 「分かったよ~」って事であれば、是非 Line の方にご回答くださいね。


  • I’m very humbled to be here tonight among so many extraordinary artists.
  • My mother loved art, she loved film, she supported any crazy thing I did.
  • But whenever it had meaning she made a point of telling me that is what film is for.
  • And she never had a career as an artist; she never had the opportunity to express herself beyond her theater class.
  • But she wanted more than for herself she wanted for Jamie and I to know what it is to have a life as artists.
  • And she gave us that chance.
  • She drove me to every audition and she would wait in the car for hours, always make me feel really good all the times I didn’t get the job.
  • And when I did we would jump up and down and scream and yell like little girls.
  • She wasn’t really the best critic since she never had anything unkind to say.
  • But she did give me love and confidence and above all she was very clear that nothing would mean anything if I didn’t live a life of use to others.
  • And I didn’t know what that meant for a long time.【Podcast + α の Tipsを Lineで】
    Podcastでシェアし切れていない Tips を Lineのお友達向けに配信してます。もし役に立ちそうかも!! と思われたら、ぜひ、以下をのぞいてみて下さいね(^^)

”https://lin.ee/vuf9dB1 or @shige-eng-coach”



  • 「英語が聞けなくて辛い」
  • 「話せなくて大変」
  • 「電話会議が大変」



< 1分17秒から >