Signposts for balance in love and work の音読です。今回は、No 25 Keep your goals in mind です。何かをやろう・実現しようと思った時、あなたはゴールを描いてますか? そして、常にそれを意識してますか? ってあなたに聞きながら、私も何処迄出来てるか?? って所なんですが (笑)。
ただ、これって英語習得にも非常に大事なんです。しかも、ゴールに到達する為に、小さくステップを考える事も重要です。今回はリスニングに関するステップをシェアさせて頂きますので、宜しければ、ご参考にして下さいね (^^) ぜひお聞き下さい。
また、今回は for books / four books の 聞分け quiz が有ります。もしアナタが 「分かったよ~」って事であれば、是非 Line の方にご回答くださいね。
I’m very humbled to be here tonight among so many extraordinary artists.
My mother loved art, she loved film, she supported any crazy thing I did.
But whenever it had meaning she made a point of telling me that is what film is for.
And she never had a career as an artist; she never had the opportunity to express herself beyond her theater class.
But she wanted more than for herself she wanted for Jamie and I to know what it is to have a life as artists.
And she gave us that chance.
She drove me to every audition and she would wait in the car for hours, always make me feel really good all the times I didn’t get the job.
And when I did we would jump up and down and scream and yell like little girls.
She wasn’t really the best critic since she never had anything unkind to say.
But she did give me love and confidence and above all she was very clear that nothing would mean anything if I didn’t live a life of use to others.
And I didn’t know what that meant for a long time.【Podcast + α の Tipsを Lineで】 Podcastでシェアし切れていない Tips を Lineのお友達向けに配信してます。もし役に立ちそうかも!! と思われたら、ぜひ、以下をのぞいてみて下さいね(^^)