デンゼルワシントンが2015年に、ディラード大学で行ったスピーチの抜粋になります。ユーモアも交えながら、とても素敵なスピーチをされてますので、是非 ①音理解、②意味理解に頑張って見て下さい。
- i’ve kept god in my life and it’s kept me humble. i didn’t always stick with him but he always stuck with me, so stick with him in everything you do. if you think you want to do what you think i’ve done then do what i’ve done and stick with god.
- Number 2, fail big that’s right fail big today is the beginning of the rest of your life and it can be it’s going to be very frightening it’s a new world out there it’s a mean world out there and you only live once so do what you feel passion(ate) about passionate about. don’t be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment so have dreams but have goals.
- Number three you’ll never see a u-haul behind a hearse i’ll say it again you’ll never see a u-haul behind a hearse i don’t care how much money you make you can’t take it with you. it’s not how much you have it’s what you do with what you have we all have different talents some of you will be doctors some lawyers some scientists some educators some nurses some teachers yeah okay some preachers. the most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else.
【Podcast + α の Tipsを Lineで】
Podcastでシェアし切れていない Tips を Lineのお友達向けに配信してます。もし役に立ちそうかも!! と思われたら、ぜひ、以下をのぞいてみて下さいね(^^)
”https://lin.ee/vuf9dB1 or @shige-eng-coach”
- 「英語が聞けなくて辛い」
- 「話せなくて大変」
- 「電話会議が大変」
07:55 ~ からお聞き下さい。
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