Signposts for balance in love and work の音読です。今回は、No 36 Learn to control your thought です。「あなたの人生はあなたの選択です!」って言われても、あまりピンと来なかったりしますよね💦 ちょっと立ち止まって考えるキッカケにして頂けると嬉しいです (^^) 是非最後まで聞いて見て下さいね。
また、今回は take a bath / take a bus の 聞分け quiz が有ります。もしアナタが 「分かったよ~」って事であれば、是非 Line の方にご回答くださいね。
only she sits in a refugee camp and she has no voice she worries about what her children will eat how to keep them safe and if they’ll ever be allowed to return home I don’t know why this is my life and that’s hers
I don’t understand that but I will do as my mother asked and I will do the best I can with this life to be of use and to stand here today means that I did as she asked and if she were alive she’d be very proud so thank you.
また、今回は pass by / path by の 聞分け quiz が有ります。もしアナタが 「分かったよ~」って事であれば、是非 Line の方にご回答くださいね。
I came into this business young and worried about my own experiences my own pain. And it was only when I began to travel and look and live beyond my home, did I understand my responsibilities to others . When I met survivors of war and famine and rape, I learned what life is like for most people in this world.
And how fortunate I was to have food to eat a roof over my head a safe place to live and the joy of having my family safe and healthy and I realized how sheltered I had been and I was determined never to be that way again we are all everyone in this room so fortunate.
I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had to have this path in life and why across the world there’s a woman just like me with the same abilities and the same desires same work ethic and love for her family who would most likely make better films and better speeches.
【Podcast + α の Tipsを Lineで】 Podcastでシェアし切れていない Tips を Lineのお友達向けに配信してます。もし役に立ちそうかも!! と思われたら、ぜひ、以下をのぞいてみて下さいね(^^)
I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had to have this path in life.
And why across the world there’s a woman just like me with the same abilities and the same desires same work ethic and love for her family who would most likely make better films and better speeches.